Friday, July 30, 2010

The Third Day

Only thought of using this blog when Janelle suggested it yesterday (I think it was yesterday, depends on where you are.)
This third day began with sleep.  After a heavy morning of walking, 7,400 steps aka 3.4 miles, looking for an ATM which would take my travel card and give me cash, returned home to the Park Hotel and lay down to take a nap.  The nap began at 2 pm and I woke at about 1 a.m., awake and ready to go.  The jet lag I thought I had escaped had me in a firm grip. So I slept until I woke up, and then it was the middle of the night.  What else to do TV!
  Looking at Japanese TV to pass the time proved more interesting than I anticipated.  Although all the speech was Japanese alot can be understood by just looking at the visuals.  Japanese TV looks very much like American TV--drama, kids shows, cartoons, game shows and even a Japanese cooking show came on.  The Japanese nod and bow alot, so much so I wonder how they eventually part company or end a TV show.  So, I watched BBC World news, and MSNBC World News and the Discovery Channel--in Japanese until I discovered the little "dual languages" button and found I could listen in English.
  Passed the night away sleeping and listening until I arose and went to breakfast a little while ago.  Andi and Owen will not be here until later this afternoon so I am going to go out looking for a Department Store which all the guidebooks say is a must in Tokyo.  No riding the subway until Andi is here, though.  She has subway skill of a native New Yorker now and I think I shall be much less frustrated if I have someone to share the joy of being totally lost.
  I have never been in a country where I don't speak the language entirely by myself.  Even in earlier years in my travels across Asia I had other English speaking people with me.  Just having one other person around who speaks your language is comforting if nothing else.
  On to the day, and the search for the department store.  More about that later.


  1. You are stetching yourself Karen. The language void is scary. See what you've taught yourself already -- blogging, navigating subways in another country and interpreting their media.

  2. Once you settle into the idea that you don't speak the language it's not as scary. But then I know there are people in the hotel who do speak English that I can call. My cell finally started working which it wasn't. Haven't really naviagated the subway yet, only though about it really hard. That's for tomorrow!

  3. Okay... I'm just so excited that you've got this blog going and that I have the link... that I haven't read it yet. I wanted to come straight to the comments and let you know!!! So proud of your endeavors and adventures all rolled into one! now... for the reading and enjoying... except may have to come back to it. Need to head out to a baby shower for Sarah in a minute. Have fun!
