Sunday, August 15, 2010


Driving on the left side of the road after 35 years was a challenge...but not. I only say not because I have gotten where I want to go without an accident or maiming myself or anyone else. I rented a car at Sydney airport and drove 20 miles out to north Ryde. The challenges were
1. Traffic was thick and fast. There are lots toll roads which I was instructed to drive through and then call a number to tell them my car is rented and give them my credit card number so they can just charge my card. There were several tunnels, long and dark. As in any big city there there were other drivers whondid not like my slow speed.
2. The gps spoke in Australian--accent and word choice. Hence I had to concentrate on what the voice meant when she said, "drive into the roundabout and take the third right for Telavera.". This meant do a u turn and go gback the other way. Ha!!
Or she would say "Turn left, turn left, turn left,then turn left" BEFORE I had actually gotten to the corner, so after I turned left I thought I was done turning left. But no, was supposed to turn left again immediately after turning left so I missed the hotel parking lot three times, driving around the same block.
3. I had to concentrate mightily to stay on the left and then stay in the lane as well. Right hand drivers tend to slide over the center line when twonlanes of traffic are going in the same direction. Making a right hand turn is also tricky. By the time I got to the hotel my muscles were shaking and stomach in knots. It is hard to concentrate on staying in the left, in the lane, listening to the gps and reading the street signs as well as making sure I was aware of other drivers. The lady who rented me the car kept saying, " Awww, (a very Australian thing to say) you'll be right" but I am not sure she believed it herself. Every Australian I have told that I drove up here has remarked on my bravery. Still have to drive to Newcastle and Gosford! Ye gods and little catfish as my grandmother used to say!

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