Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Out of Tokyo

Today we went out of the city to Kamakura. It's about an hour out and required some detailed planning how to get there. The rail system in this country is truly outstanding. For very small cost we got a train out to the general area where we then purchased an all day pass for a few dollars on an electric train that wound us around a scenic area of temples, Buddhas and gardens. We saw the Big Buddha, lovelybtemple and garden and then ended in a Japanese beach town where the young of japan were swimming, listening to rock n roll and showing their remarkable bodies. I must say it is the first time I have seen so many young women wearing 3 inch spike heels with a bikini. It was miserably hot and we weren't dressed for the beach. It is amazing to see this clean city and never be able to find a trash can of any kind. We ended carrying our snack trash home in our backpacks. Tomorrow is our last day. We take a boat ride to Asakusa, a traditional marketplace and then go to formal tea ceremony in a local garden where shoguns disembarked when coming to Tokyo. Still haven' seen the trumpet playing robot so we' do that tomorrow as well. On Friday Andi and Owen take off for home in the morning and I fly to Sydney and begin looking for old friends. Inhave a couple of pretty good addresses and my old school is still in Weston. So perhaps I will be lucky and find someone. You never know.

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